Big Problem, Bold Solution

Sexual assault is a public health crisis

84 million women experience sexual violence in their lifetime, yet 80% of hospitals do not have specialists to care for victims of sexual assault.

Together we can provide equitable access to healing care.

Source: Smith SG, Zhang X, Basile KC, et al. The national intimate partner and sexual violence survey: 2015 data brief–updated release. 2018.

Expert Consultation and Support

About SAFE-T System

A New Standard of Sexual Assault Trauma Care

SAFE-T System delivers 24/7 telehealth support and guidance during sexual assault forensic examinations to provide the highest quality of care. Our approach is distinct. Our patient-care model is evidence-based and trauma-informed, ensuring patients take their first step toward healing in a safe and supportive environment and that local providers are supported to deliver quality care.

Backed by Extensive Research

over 580

Calls to
SAFE-T Center

met parameters to TeleSANE consultation with 91% accepting telehealth consultation

over 94%

of survivors

rated their sexual assault care as “excellent” or “very good” with the SAFE-T System program in place

120 nurses

Completed SANE-A Training

and 52 additional nurses completed a clinical skills practicum with the help of SAFE-T System

Source: Miyamoto et al. (2021), “The Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Telehealth (SAFE-T) Systems: Program Evaluation”

SAFE-T Center: Foundational Research

Formed in 2017 within the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, the SAFE-T Center serves as the research and evaluation component of the SAFE-T System. Over the last decade, SAFE-T researchers have worked to understand the experiences of sexual assault survivors and how best to deliver care that optimizes healing and recovery. This research is central to SAFE-T System’s telehealth model, enabling partner sites to leverage SAFE-T’s expertise and provide the highest standard of care.

How We Work

SAFE-T System connects partner hospitals with expert nurses during sexual assault examinations. The expert nurse appears on a screen where they can talk to and support both the on-site nurse and the patient. Through our specialized telehealth technology, our remote expert can see the live exam in progress to ensure best practices, proper evidence collection, and a safe, supportive environment for the survivor.


young women holding their fists in the air

Who We Serve

The SAFE-T System model was developed in collaboration with clinicians, researchers, community partners, and a statewide advisory board. While the core service is support and guidance during clinical examinations, the benefits extend beyond the hospital to impact the work of multidisciplinary stakeholders, including law enforcement, advocacy centers, and child welfare. In collaboration with our partner sites, SAFE-T System creates a locally-based community network of resources and support that benefits the staff, administrators, leaders, and community members of the hospital and surrounding areas.

Nurse Leaders

Community Leaders

Survivors & Supporters

SAFE-T System Partners

Penn Highlands Healthcare
UPMC Wellsboro

Want to partner with us?

We’re looking for new partners!

Partnership opportunities are available for a select number of hospital sites. Sign up for our webinar to learn about opportunities to work with us.