SAFE-T System for Survivors and Supporters

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SAFE-T System assists hospitals in ensuring that everyone receives the highest quality of care available. For survivors of sexual assault, that means having access to a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) the moment they arrive. Research shows that trauma-informed, person-centered care delivered by SANEs results in the improved well-being of survivors, increased quality of medical care, and positive impacts on justice outcomes.1-2
1.Campbell, R. et al. (2005). The effectiveness of sexual assault nurse examiner(SANE) programs: A review of psychological, medical, legal, and community outcomes. Trauma, Violence, Abuse, 6(4), 313–329. 10.1177/15248380052803282. Campbell,R. et al. (2012). The impact of sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) program services on law enforcement investigational practices: A mediational analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39(2), 169–184. 10.1177/0093854811428038
Quality of Care

Over 90% of survivors rated their SAFE-T System care as “excellent” or “very good”

Trauma-Informed Care

Survivors of sexual assault often fear they won’t be believed, they will be judged or blamed, and that they won’t have control over what happens. Trauma-informed care focuses on alleviating those fears, placing a high priority on empowering the patient and providing emotional support. The SAFE-T model relies on feedback from patients to continually improve care quality.

  • 83% of sexual assault survivors described that they felt believed after telehealth examination
  • When asked whether participants thought their telehealth consultation improved the quality of care they received, the average score is 4.35/5
  • 88-100% of participants describe having a pre-examination worry, but did not actually experience those worries during examination
Source: Miyamoto et al. (2022), “Pathway to Healing and Recovery”, Journal Emergency Nursing

Anonymous testimonial

“I really felt approved and loved by everyone. They really helped me and were very supportive. I felt like they knew me and understood me. They didn’t judge or question me about things I did not feel comfortable talking about.”

What does quality care look like?

When it comes to a sexual assault forensic examination, what does a good exam experience look like?

  • From the moment you arrive, you are believed.
  • You receive timely, compassionate care.
  • Health care providers and nurses caring for you are trained in conducting sexual assault forensic examinations.
  • A community-based advocate is there to support you for all parts of the exam.
  • Every step of the exam is explained, and you have choice and control throughout.
  • Your privacy, health, safety, and emotional well-being are a priority.
  • With your consent, a thorough and complete exam is conducted with proper evidence collection and documentation.
  • Options for prevention of sexually transmitted infection and pregnancy are discussed and offered.
  • You leave feeling confident about the care you received.

Healing begins at the point of care. SAFE-T System enhances equitable access to expert, telehealth-enabled SANE care so that every survivor, regardless of economic status, race, or location, can receive high-quality, respectful care.

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