Setting A new standard of care
Beginning in 2017, SAFE-T System has partnered with hospitals to ensure high quality care for survivors of sexual assault. SAFE-T System has successfully partnered with six unique health systems in Pennsylvania. SAFE-T System provides expert SANE consultation, training, and quality assurance through telehealth technology, ensuring that partnered hospitals can provide exceptional care for survivors of sexual assault or abuse.

SAFE-T System’s support is widely accepted by patients, with over 90% of patients accepting telehealth support at the time of their examination. Additionally, over 90% of survivors rated their local sexual assault care as “excellent” or “very good” when the SAFE-T System program is in place.

Connecting Underserved Areas Through Teleheath
Rural and underserved communities often struggle to support specialized medical practices such as forensic exams. With the support of SAFE-T System, each of our partner sites has access to experienced professionals for telehealth support during forensic exams, training for nurses and health care professionals, and community education.
Research shows that people living in rural areas experience significant health disparities, including access to quality sexual assault care. By providing expert care through telehealth, SAFE-T System helps address these disparities for survivors of sexual assault. We help local forensic nurses with real-time support, quality assurance, and peer review throughout the exam—a proven gold standard of care.
SAFE-T System uses telehealth technology to remotely connect expert nurses with onsite clinicians to deliver sexual assault exams. Our expert nurses are specially trained in delivering highly sensitive forensic exams while safeguarding a survivor’s right to justice and healing. Furthermore, the SAFE-T System model capitalizes on community strengths, providing infrastructure to connect providers and survivors with local community resources to ensure their healing journey continues after treatment.
Our proprietary, nurse-developed, telehealth-enabled camera technology ensures our expert nurses can see, hear, and respond to patient needs in real-time. In addition to meeting patient needs, our expert nurses provide guidance and precepting to the onsite clinician to ensure the highest standard of care is achieved. Collected evidence is preserved and protected with the utmost security, and our in-house tech support is never more than a phone call away.
Who We Serve
The SAFE-T System model was developed in collaboration with clinicians, researchers, community partners, and a statewide advisory board. While the core service is support and guidance during clinical examinations, the benefits extend beyond the hospital to multidisciplinary stakeholders, including law enforcement, advocacy centers, and child welfare organizations. SAFE-T System creates a community network of resources and support that benefits the staff, administrators, leaders, and community members of the hospital and surrounding areas.
Want to partner with us?
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Partnership opportunities are available for a select number of hospital sites. Sign up for our webinar to learn about opportunities to work with us.